Well, here we are. We have reached escape velocity and due to the generous time commitment, encouragement, donations and site building we were able to make it a reality. I cannot thank those that have assisted me along the way to get this off of the ground.
To Troy @MonsterandSea, Craig Hanaumi @CraigHanaumi, Matt @GetthatPMA I thank you for the encouragement guidance, stickers, and continued partnership!
To Andrew @Thriftskatewa, Evo @Evo, Marshall @MarshallStackReid, and @alltogetherskatepark I thank you for the donations, deals, and help to get the gear into the hands of those that need it most.
Tony @35thNorth thank you for suggesting @YouthCareSea as the place to help out here in the city. Without our brief conversation this would not be a reality.
Thank you to anyone that has donated to the cause, especially Rhea Lahri, you are a great friend and will always be the first Instagram donation!
Thank. you to Jesse Parent our first PayPal donation on the site!
As soon as COVID allows we will be partnering with Seattle Skate Features and local bands for a fundraiser!
Keep your eyes here and on our Instagram for news of the awesome work that is being done!